
How to uninstall app on fire tv
How to uninstall app on fire tv

how to uninstall app on fire tv

Unlinked provides the same apps that FileLinked did, and with the closure of the latter, you need to take even more caution when downloading or using third-party apps. But before you go there, this guide will show you how to install Unlinked on Firestick & Android TV Box. On top of that, Unlinked has already gained lots of developers, and we have created a guide on the top 10 best Unlinked codes. The code you enter will also be added to the app’s home screen, making it easy to go back and install another app. Developers can list codes according to categories, which you can then filter apps within a store. Unlinked provides several features that make it an excellent replacement for FileLinked.

how to uninstall app on fire tv how to uninstall app on fire tv

This code will then allow them to access the various apps hosted by the store’s developer.

how to uninstall app on fire tv

The app works similarly to FileLinked in that all a user needs is a code. Out of these, Unlinked is a standout and probably the app with the most potential. Since the demise of the beloved FileLinked, several apps have offered users similar functionalities and cover the gap left. Screenshots accompany the guide, and it works for all Amazon Fire TV versions and Android TV devices. You'll either see an X in the corner of the app or a list of options with Delete app at the bottom.In this guide, we’ll look at how to install Unlinked on Firestick & Android TV and add codes and install Apks using the app. Select Uninstall and the BBC iPlayer app will no longer be on your device.You'll then get an on-screen notification asking if you're sure you want to "Uninstall BBC iPlayer?".You'll see a small icon of a bin appear on the screen: drag the app onto this and release/let go.Gently hold down on the BBC iPlayer app icon on your screen.Tap OK to uninstall the app, if prompted, and select OK on the completion screen.Gently hold down on the BBC iPlayer app icon on your screen.Once downloaded you'll be given the option to Open: tap this to bring you straight to the BBC iPlayer app.(The App Store may ask you to confirm your Apple ID at this point.) Tap Search at the bottom then search for BBC iPlayer.Have a look at the following page for more information: Why is the app no longer available on my iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch? Is the BBC iPlayer app no longer available on your iOS device? Try using the website on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch instead.

How to uninstall app on fire tv